~ April 9, 2017 Featured Readers ~
Michele Graf
& high school freshman student poet, Cicely Blackwell
— Please support our authors by visiting their links, buying their books and supporting their work --

Michele M. Graf:
Poet, editor, creative mentor, writer of novels, screenplays, essays, other nonfiction, and nonsense. Eclectic reader of anything with words.
Editor, project manager, as well as poet of the book Lifelines, a collection with five other women from around the country — none of whom have ever met in person. Former Head Mod for International Muse Online Writers Conferences, and Poetry Editor of award-winning e-zine, Apollo's Lyre.
Currently writing, mentoring, and sewing -- altering and fixing what's not quite right, as a metaphor for her life -- and happily living here in the perfect size pond for the size fish she is now.
Michele's book link
Poet, editor, creative mentor, writer of novels, screenplays, essays, other nonfiction, and nonsense. Eclectic reader of anything with words.
Editor, project manager, as well as poet of the book Lifelines, a collection with five other women from around the country — none of whom have ever met in person. Former Head Mod for International Muse Online Writers Conferences, and Poetry Editor of award-winning e-zine, Apollo's Lyre.
Currently writing, mentoring, and sewing -- altering and fixing what's not quite right, as a metaphor for her life -- and happily living here in the perfect size pond for the size fish she is now.
Michele's book link

Cicely Blackwell:
My name is Cicely, simply put. I'm currently 15 and ‘m not really sure why that's relevant but there you go.
The reason I’m doing these poetry readings is because poetry is my soul. Every piece is a puzzle of myself that I have decided can be shared. I love words and communication so it would only be fair to make up my own.
In my dealings beside writing, I tend to wander down alleyways and sing until my lungs cry uncle.
I am very grateful for the wonderful human that is Michele Graf, Steven Blue for putting this whole shebang together, my parents (of course), my all amazing and awe-inspiring language arts teacher Jeff Wyman.
And, I would like to thank myself for destroying the universe and catching the explosions in my hands. Finally, I want every glorified cannonball out there to know that you too, are a reason that every artist, including myself, help to make life a little more beautiful.
My name is Cicely, simply put. I'm currently 15 and ‘m not really sure why that's relevant but there you go.
The reason I’m doing these poetry readings is because poetry is my soul. Every piece is a puzzle of myself that I have decided can be shared. I love words and communication so it would only be fair to make up my own.
In my dealings beside writing, I tend to wander down alleyways and sing until my lungs cry uncle.
I am very grateful for the wonderful human that is Michele Graf, Steven Blue for putting this whole shebang together, my parents (of course), my all amazing and awe-inspiring language arts teacher Jeff Wyman.
And, I would like to thank myself for destroying the universe and catching the explosions in my hands. Finally, I want every glorified cannonball out there to know that you too, are a reason that every artist, including myself, help to make life a little more beautiful.
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