~ March 11, 2018 Featured Readers ~
Lee Darling & J. W. James
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Lee Darling:
After she retired from a career in computer programming, Lee transformed her love of logic and language and began building poems and other written works. In 2014, Lee won the Morro Bay State of the Bay Haiku contest. Her poetry has been published online and in a chapbook of poems by the Rhetorical Devices critique group. She has (self) published one novel, Just Out of Reach, and a book of traditional haiku titled Sundrops.
Lee blogs sporadically at Scattered Bumps
She has been published online at Haibun Today
and at Contemporary Haibun Online

J. W. James:
J.W. James is a Treasure Hunter, Philosopher, Yogi, Mystic & Poet who studied at the University of Iowa, Iowa City. Born in a blizzard in the city of Underground Railroad and State Penitentiary, Auburn NY, she is co-creator of the women's writing collective, Tribe Through Time, with poet, Patti Sirens. She lived most of her life in Santa Cruz, California by Seabright Beach. Her main poetic influences are rock music; Patti Smith, Prophets of Rage, Soundgarden and Nirvana. Poets; Kenneth Patchen, Alice Notley, C.D. Wright and Allen Ginsberg. Her book, Fish Dreams Or, St. Anthony's Sermon, is a book-length poem and prize winner of Mellen Press' contest; "Poetry as Ecstatic Vision." She is also published in American Writing, Many Mountains Moving, Lingo and others. "WHAT DREAMING BIRD EXPOSES THE LIGHT WITH ITS SONG/FLIES THROUGH THE SKIES OF MEMORY AND SHIFTS MY SOUL"
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