~ June 10, 2018 Featured Readers ~
A special book launch event for
Moments Before Midnight - an anthology of Oregon poets
~~ Some of the included authors will read their poems from the anthology ~~

Moments Before Midnight:
Bob Hill Publishing, LLC is proud to present a new book of poetry, Moments Before Midnight. The profits will be donated to the ACLU to further their work of defending American liberties.
The twenty-six poets in this volume describe their feelings about what is happening in this country and the world. As we observe the increasing hatred, intolerance, xenophobia, paranoia and fear, we know it’s a time to speak out. We have to stand up for underrepresented people, dwindling animal and plant diversity,
clean water and air and the continuing message of oneness. This anthology represents the work of Oregon poets who speak to the changing climate, both political and physical.
It’s only moments before midnight on the doomsday clock and time is running out . . .
Website: bobhillpublishing.com
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