~ February 9, 2020 Featured Readers ~
Dale Champlin & Melissa Matthewson
Dale Champlin & Melissa Matthewson
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Dale Champlin:
Dale Champlin is an Oregon poet with an MFA in fine arts. She is the editor the Verseweavers and director of Conversations With Writers. Dale has published in VoiceCatcher, North Coast Squid, Willawaw Journal, Mojave River Press, The Opiate, and other publications. During the month of January, 2019 Dale wrote a poem a day as part of the Tupelo Press 30/30 Project. In November she published her first collection, The Barbie Diaries, with Just a Lark Books.
“Who knew you could write an epic poem about Barbie? Dale Champlin has done it. The Barbie Diaries opens with fresh insights into the usual Barbie-Ken tropes and then moves, always at Barbie-scale, into the larger vicissitudes of time. This collection is completely charming. You will laugh at the early poems. The later poems may bring you to the edge of weeping.”
—Penelope Scambly Schott
feminist poet
Winner of the Oregon Book Award in poetry for
A Is for Anne: Mistress Hutchinson Disturbs the Commonwealth
To purchase - The Barbie Diaries

Melissa Matthewson:
Melissa Matthewson’s essays have appeared in Guernica, DIAGRAM, Longreads, American Literary Review, Mid-American Review, Bellingham Review, River Teeth, and The Rumpus among other publications. She has been awarded an AWP Intro Journals award in creative nonfiction as well as residencies and scholarships to PLAYA, Art Smith, Bread Loaf Environmental Writers’ Conference, and Tin House. She holds degrees from the University of California, Santa Cruz, University of Montana, and the Vermont College of Fine Arts. Her first book of nonfiction, Tracing the Desire Line, was published in 2019 from Split Lip Press. She teaches media studies at Southern Oregon University.
Online links:
IG: @mazzymaple
Twitter: melmatthewson
To purchase - Tracing the Desire Line:
Slip Lit Press
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